Ask someone what they know about the Grand Jury, they will recall something they’ve seen on television, heard on the radio, or read about in newspapers and magazines. It’s safe to say most of these recollections deal with “Criminal” Grand Juries who deal with matters on a case by case basis.
San Diego County has something extra. Every year 19 people (and eleven alternates) are chosen by lot from their supervisorial districts to serve for a full fiscal year from July 1st through June 30th on what could be called a “Civil Grand Jury”. This Grand Jury examines the different entities that make up a community. These areas include, but are not limited to, law enforcement, prison conditions, education, local and county governments and schools. Topics to examine are suggested by local citizens and in-depth brainstorming sessions of Grand Jury members. Only a few states have such watchdog organizations written into their justice systems that produce extensive reports that issue suggestions for change or offer kudos for a “Job Well Done.”

To serve, you must submit an application, be interviewed by a judge and pass a background check. Once chosen and sworn in you will be paid a modest $25 per day stipend, and receive a mileage allowance.

When your term as a Juror is over, you will be eligible to join the Past Grand Jurors Association of San Diego County (PGJA) which will allow you to stay involved and continue to keep a watchful eye on your community.
Additional information will be posted on this website from time to time to further improve the public’s understanding of the Grand Jury System and the Past Grand Jurors Association and the different roles they play to make ours a better community in which to live and work.
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Past Grand Jurors Association—Promoting Accountability in Government